Tuesday 1 November 2005


To day should have been a day off. But yesterday I had a phone call from the allocations officer at work who told me there was a spare place on the National Vocational Qualification Induction Course being run in Exeter and would I please like to attend. Well I said yes and I am now on my way to obtaining An NVQ in Road passenger Transport (Level 2) Today we covered the Customer Service Workbook which details the way we should interact with our customers.( AKA passengers. A very few of them are know by other names which I don't intend to use here. I mean I do like my job and I would like to keep it.)

I was quite overwhelmed by the number of different skills I need to be a bus driver. I mean I know all the skills, it's just you don't know how many there are until you write them all down. On Monday if you had asked me I would have said,"Drive the bus, smile at the passengers, sell the tickets and try to keep to time." One thing I did find out was that spending 7 hours deciding what the skills are and writing them all down in all their detail is harder work than driving a bus. An other thing I learnt was that red fire extinguishers with white writing contain water and red fire extinguishers with black writing contain CO2 and which types of fire these extinguishers should be used on. I only hope when I am faced with a wall of flame one day I with remember the most important thing I learnt today. Be professional. Get a fireman in to fight the bloody thing.

More as the work progresses.

1 comment:

SaneScientist said...

When I did my fireman's badge in scouts, Red meant water, black meant CO2, green was Halon, Blue equalled powder and Cream was that foam made out of cows brains (at least that's what the instructor claimed it was).

So which muppet in the H&S thought it was a good idea to make them all red? I would have thought that the distinctive shape was enough to hint at their use, without making them all a uniform colour as well.