Thursday 22 March 2007

A Couple of Queues and a Photo

This is the queue to get into the Stagecoach Travel shop in Paignton. The people queueing are there to change their Devon Wide Bus Passes for Torbay Bus Passes for the change which takes place on 1st April.A similar queue can be found at our shop in Torquay. There are other places to change the passes but they seem to be ignored completely. The council have installed their own camera to take applicant's photos and print them directly onto the pass. Some of the photos have been taken in such a rush that they have come out looking like the one below. The couple iof bods in the yellow jackets have been drafted in from Head Office in Exeter to help speed things up a little even though strickly speaking this is a Torbay Council matter.
Here is my hint for the day:-If you are going to take some one's photo don't stand them in front of a window.

The other photo was taken in Long Road. Any bus going down Long Road between 3 pm and 6 pm takes 25 mins to get in and out, hopefully one day the road works, which are to improve access to Long Road (sic) will be finished. At present they are only 3 weeks over due and there is still much to do. Should be great once they are done.

If you look at the road way you can see that it is in need of repair; so once the access to Long Rd is finished and cars and buses can get in and out with minimum of fuss the road way will be dug up one side at a time so all that will happen is the temporary traffic lights will be moved a hundred yards and more work will start. This road is the only way to and from South Devon College and is on the 12A route. PS. I love road works.


Anonymous said...

You may be interested to know that Long Road is not the only way to South Devon College. There is an access road that runs round the back of it, that can been seen on this aerial map from Windows Live. Perhaps the powers-that-be could be persuaded to allow you to use that road instead, and perhaps even arrange for the bus stop to be temporarily relocated to the apparent dropping-off point at the rear (seen on the College's slightly more recent aerial photos here)? No harm in asking is there?

David said...

To anon re other way to college, we have to go through Roselands as part of the route and also there is a notice that states the road is unsuitable for HGV's so it probably isn't suitable for buses. I am hoping that the work on Long Rd it's self is done in July and August when the students are on holiday and we can miss the place out all together. Thanks for the suggestion though. And thanks for the links.

David said...

James; I have deleted your comment, it is a bit long but I have kept a copy and will read it through in more depth over the weekend.