Thursday 25 February 2010

Trial & tribulation

An example of "Spam Comment"

In case you desire to play Madden, NCAA Football, FIFA, NHL2K or Fight Night tournaments on your Ps3 or Xbox 360 online for prize - we recruit for testers now. Join us on Facebook before March 31 and you can receive $2,000 in cash:

In the last few months I have been getting a lot of spam comments which is why I have Comment Moderation switched on. Bit of a pain for me as I have to go through all the comments and publish those that are " Not Spam" and reject the others. And a bit of a pain for the people who kindly make comments as they have to wait up to a day before their comments appear.

Many of then are similar to the comment I have copied above and some are in Russian or other foreign languages. Now I could understand if these spam comment appeared in my most recent post but some are on posts years old. The one at the top of the page was added to an item I wrote in September last year. It is highly unlikely that anyone would go back and read posts that old so why bother?

Drove a coach yesterday for the first time in 6 weeks. It had broken down and been taken to MAN Exeter to be fixed. When I got on the coach in the yard to bring it back to the hotel here in Torquay it wouldn’t start. In to the office and explained they hadn’t got rid of me yet. Eventually a fitter arrived with a battery pack but the engine continued making a klucking sound every time I tried to start it which was exactly what it was doing before it got taken to MAN Exeter. Then a electrician came and jump started it. Must have had bigger batteries than the first guy. We tried a few times and it started no problem. So I drove it down to Torquay and parked up for the night. The plan today was to drive up to Bristol and pick some holiday makers up for a long weekend in Beautiful Torquay. But, and there is almost always a but in situations like this. When I got to the hotel this morning it absolutely refused to start even though a local coach fitter connected a battery pack to the coach. “Enough power in there to fry a whale” he said. So instead of hurtling up the M5 I am sitting in front of my computer writing this and some poor coach driver is having to come all the way down to Torquay instead of giving me his passengers in Bristol and going back to the West Midlands. I hope he doesn’t think it was my fault the coach wouldn’t start.

1 comment:

bo said...

Regarding the spam, it's all done by bots (or robots) which troll the net finding all sorts of posts to spam to. What it doesn't do is read the dates so just posts where and when it can.