Tuesday 29 November 2011

Ken Russell

Ken Russell died a couple of days ago at the age of 84. He made several films that were called controversial such as Women In Love, which featured Oliver Reed and Alan Bates wrestling nude. I never went to see that film as I can not stand DH Lawrence. I was forced to read Women in Love at college and decided that if ever Britain was to go on a book burning frenzy I would be first in line with an arm full of Mr Lawrence's tedius and apperently unending work. I call it unending because I never did get to the end of any of his books. I gave up on Sons and Lovers by page 17. But I digress. In all the mention on the news relating to Ken's career we got men wrestling naked again and again but not one mentioned his favorate film and the one he considered to be his best. If you haven't seen The Music Lovers yet then add it to the list of 100 things to do before you follow Ken into the great unknown.

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