Sunday 14 January 2007

An Other Rest day

When I got up this morning it was a toss up between putting the shelves up in the back room, which I promished to do some time last year (actually 2005 now) and going to watch Torquay Athletic Under nines play rugby. The team are sponsered by Stagecoach Devon and the Belgrave Hotel and a fellow driver helps with the coaching.
As you can see the shelves still aren't up but it was a good game, evenly matched with Torquay winning by a couple of tries. The lad with the ball went all the way down the pitch to score and the sun shone, for the first time in two weeks. A good morning out.


Anonymous said...

Well done again Torquay!

caramaena said...

lol @ the shelves taking so long. My partner's been paving the back verandah area for about 5 years now.

David said...

5 years, sounds pretty good going that.

Anonymous said...

Only five? The slabs have occupied my drive for at least ten...