It would seem that we are to get new buses down here in Torquay. I have had no official confirmation personally but enough people have said we are so we must be. The aging Trident that we have had for the last 3 years are going to Exeter and we are getting Enviro 400 's like the one pictured here at Ringway Airport last year. If you click on the link it takes you to Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 question and answer page and shows a 400 with entrance and exit doors which I hope we don't get down here. An other thing I hope we don't get are fixed security screens. All buses have security screens now adays. Most of our existing fleet have sliding screens which we leave open almost all of the time and us drivers like that choice. One or two of the fleet have fixed screens and we all feel that they come between us and the passengers and make life a little harder and in some cases passengers feel aggravated by the screens. In other words they can course more trouble than they are worth. Also I hope the electro-magnetic retarders that are fitted to the buses to aid braking are not as sharp as the ones fitted to the Tridents. They were sharp and took some getting used to. Oh yes, bigger water pumps would be a nice idea. We are having some over heating problems with the present buses.
Oh yes; I missed a couple of words out of the end of my last post:- at 28mph. Sorry about that.
Just a bit of general bus question. Ages ago I went on a single deck, low floor bus. From looking at pictures it looks like Dennis Dart. It the worst ride I've ever had. Very noisy and very shaky. Does this sound familiar?
Darts are nippy little midibuses, local arriva depot has them by the boatload.
Mind you, those Enviro 400's, I rode on a single deck one running the metrocentre shuttle in newcastle... very, very long and plasticy (if thats even a word).
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