A famous Torquay Landmark vanished during the week. Well, to tell the truth it wasn't all that famous. Most people would have driven past without even noticing it. And for 35 years of it's existence it was hidden by the trees and scrub on Rock Walk. So hidden in fact that some of our less desirable tourists used it as a drinking den and also to mainline certain illegal substances. When it did come out into the light of day in February, Devon Tree Services, who were employed to remove the trees found they also had to remove thousands of hypodermic syringes and a similar number of empty beer cans and dozens of similarly empty wine and cider bottles.

Anyway it was unsafe and had been fenced off. On Tuesday I went by and took a photo and it was still there with a couple of people from
Vertical Technology working on it, cutting back vegitation, I thought. Friday I wandered by and it took a couple of looks before I realized it had gone.
I was very sorry to not be there to photograth it's fall.
More, though not much more, on the progress of making the cliff face safe
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