Monday 3 October 2005

Changes to the 12/12A

A note has gone up on the buses to the effect that the company has listerned to feed back from passengers who have not been totally 100% behind the 12A service and that changes will be made to the timetable from Oct 16th in the hope of improving the service.

Hopefully these changes will be radical, along the following lines:-
1) A 12 leaves Newton for Brixham every 20 mins
2) A 12A leaves Newton for Torquay, Paignton, South Devon College and Brixham every 20 mins, 10 mins after the 12.
This will give all passengers who board in Newton a 10 minute service all the way to Torquay and Paignton. Those few going beyond Paignton will only have a 20 min service, they will have to read the timetable and remember their bus departure times to save themselves a 19 min wait.
3) A12 leaves Brixham every 10 mins, one going to all the way to Newton and the next bus going only as far as Torquay.
This will restore the 10 min service out of Brixham for almost every one catching a 12. Those people traveling from Brixham beyond Torquay will need to check time tables to avoid 19 min waits. Those traveling between Paignton and Newton will have a 10 min service as they can catch either a 12 or 12A.
4) A 12A to leave Brixham for SDC, Paignton, Torquay and Newton every 20 mins.

This is not a prefect solution but it would restore the former 10 min service for almost all of our passengers and it would still provide a direct bus route to the college.
Even better if the number 3 was restored to serve Roseland and the 12A went from Paignton to the college along the direct route via the ring road.
I live in hope; also know as Cloudcuckoo Land.


Anonymous said...

One extra bus will be going into service to give us extra turn run time at both newton and brixham. Yes i did say only one extra bus lets see if that makes any diffirence

David said...

Thank you anon, that imformation has really made my day. I know it was a bit over the top to expect anything truely radical but one extra bus?

Anonymous said...

Will this give me back a 10 min service between Torquay and Brixham? Bet it won't.

Anonymous said...

I see first time your site guys. I like you :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!