Wednesday 18 January 2006

Trouble on my bus.

I had a little bit of trouble on the bus yesterday. As I pulled up at the stop on the Strand, Red Tarmac and Black Tarmac were waiting there. I opened the door to let them on but Green Tarmac came running up and pushed them out of the way and got on the bus, showed me his ticket and went upstairs.
Black Tarmac was upset by this and wanted to go upstairs and have a word with Green Tarmac about his bad manners. Red Tarmac told him not to, but Black Tarmac could not be dissuaded and went upstairs.
There was some banging and shouting and then Black Tarmac came down with bits of gravel hanging of him and tar oozing out of every pore. He was in a sorry state.
Red Tarmac had no sympathy for him, "I told you not to go near that Green Tarmac. He's a cyclepath."

1 comment:

SaneScientist said...

I can't believe you! I go and add you to my blogroll and you go and tell a joke like that! What will people think of my choice of reading material now!

(Mind you that doesn't mean I won't tell that joke to everyone I meet tomorrow)