Thursday 9 November 2006

All Hallows Eve

I seem to have upset one or two, or maybe more, readers from across the pond (Atlantic Ocean)regarding Halloween being an American import. As All Hallows Eve,as it is correctly called, is a Christian feast day it is of course a European import into the States. As are all Christian religious observances, but Trick or Treat is an American import which is the only part of Halloween that is observed in this country. It seems to have come in via US films and TV shows and does not appear, as I believed, to be much practiced even in the US. As a child at this time of year Bonfire Night (Nov 5th) was the big night in which Bonfires were lit and an effigy of Guy Fawkes was thrown on the fire and fireworks were set off to celebrate the failure of Mr Fawkes and friends to blow up King and Parliament. Maybe back in the grim days just after the war we were too poor to afford Bonfire Night and Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Ummm....actually Halloween is an old Pagan festival that the Christians hi-jacked.

Not that I'm pedantic or any such thing. :-)

David said...

Hi Roses; lets be totally pedantic, all Christian festivals were hi jacked from some where else, they even pinched their book of rules from the Jews even though said book of rules says "Thou shalt not steal."

Anonymous said...

I wasn't offended. You set me off on a trip down memory lane. When pressed, most Americans will attribute an "Olde Englishe" origin to any custom that predates... oh... say....last year.