Wednesday 16 May 2007

New signs in Paignton Bus station

This sign has recently been added to the ambiance of Paignton Bus Station. Good. The bus station has a large area of covered ground which is a nice place to skateboard if you are into skateboarding but it is not a nice place for skateboarders if you are elderly or infirm or have small children and a pile of shopping to look after while you wait for a bus. I have in the past asked a former station manager for such a notice to be put up. He assured me that the matter was in hand, but it has been in hand for over 2 years. They (?) do say better late than never. There are times when I don't agree with they, who ever they are.

I also asked the same station manager two years ago if two other signs could be put up, one, which has gone up, stating that ball games were not allowed in the bus station, that was also in hand for 2 years. The other sign I suggested hasn't made it. The one explaining where the nearest toilets are. Standing out side the staff canteen and watching people walk by looking at the various doors with slightly worried looks on their faces and watching them get to the end of the station and making their way back with slightly more worried looks on their faces and then explaining that they need to walk all the way back to the other end of the station, over the road, then over the level crossing (hopefully there won't be a train coming) and first left, should take only a couple of minutes, is not my idea of a fun pass time.


Plymothian said...

The distinct lack of toilets at PBS has always been puzzling, considering that there used to be some, and the distance required to reach the nearest public conveniences. Talk about being inconvenienced.

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest... when has a sign ever deterred the yobs?

Anonymous said...

There used to be (frequently vandalised) toilets at a Bus Station not far from me...until soon after an expensive revamp and modernisation, someone removed all the piping from the gents and used a sledgehammer on all the bowls in both ladies and gents...all in broad daylight and of course nobody saw/heard a thing...

That was the last straw - they were shut down permanently... since when it's a walk to either the Railway Station or the multi-storey car park...

Sadly a fact of life in lawless middle england

David said...

There must be something about toilets in bus stations that attracts people with sledgehammers because that, plus the drug addicts mainlining are the reasons we have no toilets on PBS.
It is only 3 minutes to the nearest toilets but when you have already sent 5 minutes looking for the none existant toilets most people are getting close to the limit of human endurance.