Wednesday 20 June 2007

Brixham, Rain, Traffic, Toilet and Inspectors.

Yesterday I started at 12 noon from the Strand in Torquay heading for Brixham as a 12A, the long way round through Roselands. Takes an hour where as the 12 only takes 40 minutes. Now the sun had been shining all morning, I had even been out and done some shopping, mostly for Euros for my little trip to Spain next week (more about that in a later post). Just as I was about to go out there was an item on Radio Devon that a truck was on fire at the junction of Market Street and Union St, only 5 mins away, so I grabbed the camera and headed off to see if I could get another picture in the local paper. It must have been a very small fire as there was not a sight nor sound of a raging inferno when I got there, nothing, zilch de nada. What a disappointment.

Any back to work. like I said the sun had been shining but by the time I got to Roselands rain started, cats and dogs were falling from the sky by the bucket full. As I got closer to Brixham I began to realise that all this water had reminded my bladder that emptying it would be a very good idea once I got it to Brixham. The roads were quiet so It looked like I would have plenty of time. Then at the lights to go into the town square I knew I had a problem. Brixham can fill up a the drop of a hat and the drop of millions of drops of rain had slowed the flow of traffic to half a mile an hour. And I was going in when two other buses were also arriving, I would have to go round the block and wait for one of the other buses to go. Bladder was screaming at me. "Empty now!" Fat chance. Then I noticed two company Inspectors. After 3 weeks of managing on our own they had arrive like the Cavalry to save the day. Not by helping sort the problem out, we knew how to do that by now but by allowing me to jump off the bus and get to the toilet while one of the inspector drove my bus round the square for me. Aren't inspectors wonderful after all.


Arriva Driver said...

Thats nice of the inspector.

If it was one of ours, they would be stood there reporting us for running late because of the traffic...

Luckily, we get enough layover at various points to go to the toilet or more often that not, find more ticket roll! Nobody ever fills the machines on handover.

The Captain said...

Toilet breaks were a big issue when I was a driver. We had to 'assert' our human rights and run light from a terminal point because of the lack of provision.

My experience of inspectors was jumped up ex drivers who would report anyone for what they used to get away with.