Friday 7 March 2008

Fares and Behind the Barrier

So now you know, the fares, some of them anyway are going up. At least the notice is on the buses in good time. A few years ago when the fares went up the notice was posted on the buses on a Friday afternoon to take effect on the Sunday. 31 March is a Monday so have a bit extra cash or you will have to get of a few stops early and walk the rest of the way.

Today, being Friday was busy. In the middle of the afternoon it took 10 minutes to drive the length of Pimlico, 150 metres, then another 15 to get up Abbey Road. Then 10 more minutes to get through the road words on the way to Paignton At one point in the early evening I was 42 minutes late and got on the Radio and told control, asking for some words of comfort, assistance, or even encouragement but all he said was, " Just keep plodding on." Great help that was. But we were all in the same boat. Then about 19:30 the news came over the radio that the roadworks at the Gas Works had gone. So have the Gas Works, but they went 30 years ago and never came back. The road works should follow their example, go and never return.

Lulled you all in to a false sense of security. You thought I wasn't going to mention Rock Walk didn't you. What? you knew I was going to mention the place on every one's lips, usually as a swear word. If, two months ago, you had asked a hundred people in Torquay where or what Rock Walk is 98 of them would not have had a clue. Anyway this is behind the barrier designed to stop rocks getting on buses. £43 000 it will cost and will be in place until the whole cliff face falls into a heap on the road or some time in the far distant future, so far that only Doctor Who could imagine going to, the cliff face is concreted over. Sorry, got carried away a bit there, that should have been stabilised with netting and huge bolts screwed, personally by the Mayor himself?, into each boulder. It could end up as the largest piece of modern, abstract art in Western Europe, an added attraction drawing holiday makers in their dozens to beautiful Torquay.


cogidubnus said...

So let me get this straight - there was a steep slope, stabilised by trees and they took out the trees and vegetation, and, surprise, surprise?

Well if it's good in the Alps and New Zealand for avalanches, then I suppose the odd earthslip in the Wes'country shouldnt be too unexpected...

What you really want then is one of those tunnels like they have over the railways in Switzerland!

Just think of the tourist potential!

Anonymous said...

Yeah but the slope wasn't stablised by vegetation that was pulling it apart. So they had to do something - and when they did they discovered the trees had ruined it more that they thought they had.

Anonymous said...

I thought Torbay Council was skint?

Might be the reason why that temporary wall will develop to be a permanent feature...
In years to come, residents of Torbay shall stand back and say "oooh.....look, I didn't know we had another roadway along here. Isn't that nice?"

And I wouldn't worry about price rises too much. Stagecoach are having another go at cracking First again. They're accounting for inflation for a start, and secondly I've not noticed any major price rises on the 12 since 2003. Not any I remember anyway. So any complaining passengers can get lost.

Single into town up here: Now £2.90. A year ago a return cost £2.75 (FirstBus, of course). Stagecoach still works out about 300% more cost effective. Use those stats at any complainants.

Lord Hutton said...

The road reopens Tuesday, so I believe