Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Vote? Me? Never Again!

I know there isn't a sign at the top of these stairs that says "Riding bikes down these stairs is not allowed." So it could be said by these two that they were acting 'within the rules'. There were no written rules saying no bike riding. Just like at the House of Commons, no sign saying 'don't fiddle your expenses, it could undermine democracy.'
Several MPs who have had claimed expenses for cleaning a carpet, dog food or even a second home 5 minutes walk away from their main home and when asked to explain have then claimed they were 'acting 'within the rules' If I had spoken to the two cyclist in the picture about the danger in riding their bikes down these stairs in Fleet St it is possible they might have said there isn't a notice saying they couldn't.It is also possible I might have been told to f*** off. To be honest I would have preferred the Honorable Members to have said 'F*** off.' to us all instead of insulting us even more with 'acting within the rules.' They make the rules for Gods sake!
Members of Parliment are called Honorable Members. Some of them need to do the honorable thing, find a sword and fall on it.

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