Thursday 9 May 2013

More Traffic Lights

Just when we thought there just couldn't be any more road works in the bay this lot appeared at the Milk Bottle in Paignton. I thought they would be running out of work men by now.

It is supposed to be for a couple of hours so it should be finished by some time next month.

Question. Did any of our local Torquay traders actually make any sales to our German visitors yesterday. I do know the Land Train was diverted from it's normal route to take people to Cockington even thought there is a local bus , number 62, that runs into Cockington. So the numer 62 didn't make loads of money from the visitors. Nor did Cockington Court traders by all accounts need a security van to take their takings to the bank. So who did make the 60 grand the mayor predicted? If you know, please let me  know.


David said...

traffic lights gone at Milk Bottle. They were only there for an hour.

Cabbie J said...

I think I'd have had a stroke if I got stuck behind that bloody thing going through Cockington! How on earth did it turn around at the end? I thought that as it has more than 8 seats, it isn't allowed along there anyway...

Cabbie J said...

Hi Dave, have you heard what's happened in Cornwall? Western Greyhound have lost a third of their fleet in a fire.

David said...

Hi Cabbie J. I did hear. 37 buses at £150 000 a bus, half a million quid at a guess. Hope they were well insured.